How to edit the words on a page

  1. Go to and log in to the WordPress dashboard.
  2. On the left side nav click Pages and find the page you want to edit in the list.
  3. Click on the name of the page you want to edit.
  4. We are using Beaver Builder to make web pages on top of WordPress, so click Launch Beaver Builder
  5. The Stanford servers for WordPress are really slow so it might take some time to load the page fully. Once loaded you'll be able to hover over any text area, click on it, and an editor should open. If you don't see the text click on the General tab at the top of the dialog. You should be able to see the text to edit there.
  6. When you're done editing that text section, click Save
  7. When you're done editing the page, click Done at the top right of the page, and choose Publish.

When you are logged into the site, you can also start editing any page by navigating to it and clicking Beaver Builder in the black bar at the top.

This is heading 2 same style as title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sed turpis bibendum, finibus urna in, efficitur risus. Maecenas ac tortor maximus massa pharetra porttitor gravida non ex. Nullam vestibulum viverra ultricies. Sed fringilla nibh eget erat fermentum varius. Mauris enim neque, varius ac posuere sed, imperdiet nec dolor. Fusce aliquet imperdiet nulla sed fermentum.

Heading three here

Curabitur at diam id lacus eleifend sagittis ut et quam. Nulla placerat iaculis hendrerit. Quisque mollis ante vel feugiat maximus. Phasellus id velit tempor, consequat enim eu, sollicitudin est. Curabitur purus nulla, dapibus eu faucibus vel, finibus ac lorem. Maecenas sed diam eleifend eros gravida pulvinar vel vel nunc.

And this would be heading four

In euismod massa in magna pretium dignissim. Nulla viverra risus non nunc vestibulum, sed pellentesque justo placerat. Nam sed urna in lorem mollis condimentum. Proin at ultrices urna.